Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fun with muffin tins

This week I went to a thrift store and purchased three used muffin tins, two mini muffins and one regular.  They were $.75 each.
I spray painted them with a brown primer, first on the back and then on the front.

Even though one of the tins was teflon lined, the paint seemed to adhere really nicely.
After the tins were completely dry, I used acrylic paint to coat the bottom of each one.  I used light buttermilk but you could use any shade of white that you like.  You may have to do more than one coat though, since with some acrylics, they may not offer coverage over the dark colors.

Then just get creative and finish off the tins as individual snowman faces.  I used black for the eyes and mouth and a burnt orange for the noses.  It is easy to use the end of a paintbrush dipped in paint for the eyes and for some of the dots on the mouth.  I also used a marker for some of the mouths.  Just make sure that the marker you use will not run.  To make the noses I painted them on, but you could use a marker if you want. 

When dry, I spatter-painted each with a bit of ivory paint, watered down a bit and  applied with a spatter brush.  You can use a toothbrush.  Just load the brush with the water/paint mixture and shake off the excess.  Scrape you finger or a pencil across the top of the toothbrush and the little dabs of paint will give it a spattered or "snowy" appearance.  Its best to do this outside because it can be messy.  And its also a good idea to practice so that you can get the right amount of spatter.  To finish, I put a ribbon through the hole in the top of the tin and tied a bow.  Great gift!  Great decor!
I will be adding more tutorials on cheap or recyclable items later.  I have a great fall item to make of beer bottles and even the caps from the bottles can be used for holiday gifts.  More  later  ..........

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